Taken from my personal Instagram.

In the #winter #sun preparing myself for #summer #bikini season I was enjoying the #witty banter I could hear within #earshot. The grey haired #nomads are holding the prime spots at my local #paradise so I find a good position to take up residence.

As I observe all the #scantily clad #backpacker bodies, I notice some similarities between the 20 somethings and the 50+ with their skin the same colour as my leather couch. The backpacker #guys and #girls are tossing a ball between them in a circle in the water. #Laughing and enjoying the warm north QLD winter conditions. The #oldies are happily bathing; I can see by their #animated hand gestures while they throw their heads back in #laughter that they too are enjoying the #favourableconditions

I've got #wrinkles #sunbaking on the left, trim taught bodies to the right but the conversations on each side both have me trying not to #laugh out loud. The content is almost the same. Although the #vocabulary is somewhat different. I'm almost relieved to hear that the 'sex and the city' drama and conversation doesn't end as you grow old.